Politikaren mamian oinazea egoten da

Oinazeak egin egiten gaitu baina zer egiten dugu oinazearekin?

Abiapuntua kezka dugu. Kexa da abian.

Gizakiok, minaren minez bizi behar al dugu?

Edota minaren aurka, oinazeari aurre egiten?

Politika gizarte mina arintzeko behar al dugu bakarrik?

Politika zuzenak zuzenbidea behar al du?

Gizartean norberak oinazea saihesteko eskubidea al du?

Harremanik ba al dago zuzenbidearen jardunaren eta pairamenduaren artean?

Edozein politikak, lege multzo denek, oinazeari buruzko irizpideak, eskaintzen, ezartzen, behartzen ditu.

Zuzenbidearen bihotzean, Politikaren mamian, Oinazea egoten da.

The pain does us, but what do we do with the pain?

The starting point is our concern. The complaint is in the origin.

Do we, the human, have to live with pain?

Or against it, facing it?

Do we need the politics only to lighten the sore of society?

Does the right politics need any law?

Does the individual have the right to avoid the ache?

Is there any relationship between the law and the suffering?

What any politics and all groups of laws offer, stablish and force is a number of criterias concerning the pain.

There is pain in the core of law and in the essence of all politics.

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