He is a Basque writer as well as a professor and investigator at the University of the Basque Country.

He has been a professor in école et cultures minoritaires at the University Paris VIII and investigator at the Faculté de Psychologie et Sciences de l´Education in Geneva (Switzerland). He finished his graduate studies in Philosophy and Letters in 1978 at the Universidad Complutense Madrid. He afterwards, in 1988, became a doctorate in Sciences of Education at the University of the Basque Country (EHU).
He has obtained a wide experience in the area of education as a teacher and director. He has spent the last thirty-five years as a degree and master´s degree professor and investigator at the department of Philosophy and Education Sciences at the EHU. Likewise, he has an international participation at university publications such as, Astrolabio (journal by the Autonomous University of Barcelona) and República de las Letras (journal by the Spanish writers association), both in Spanish, Digithum (Unibersitat Oberta de Catalunya) in Catalan, Escrita contemporánea in Galician and The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies and Universal Journal of Educational Research in English.
He has a variety of participations at the Basque media, including the papers Egin, Gara and BERRIA and the radios Egin, Info7 and Euskadi Irratia. He has also created the column “seiko urrea” at the paper Euskaldunon Egunkaria and he writes in many journals such as, Susa, Iralka, Ele, Bat, Tantak, Larrun, Ezpala, Bertsolari, Argia, Isilik, Jakin, Hik Hasi, Uztaro, RIEV, Euskerazaintza, EGAN, Bazka, and so on. Similarly, he publishes in many journals related to education and Basque Culture like Auñamendi Entziklopedian, Antrhoposeko Diccionario de Terminología Científico Social or the Filosofiako Gida of the. He has translated into Basque and published many authors including Jean Jacques Rousseau, Marcel Proust, Alfonso Sastre or Juan Mayorga, among others.
He has been the president of the Association of Basque Writers and has participated in the direction on the Basque Club of PEN. He is also a member of the Eusko Ikaskuntza and Bertsozaleen Elkartea and he has been a lecturer at the Bergarako Idazleen Eskola. He won the Joseba Jaka literature award in 2005 in the essay domain.
In 2018 he won the XXXI Ernestina de Champourcin poetry prize
handed by the Regional Council of Alava for his collection of poems “Izendegi hutsa”.
In 2021, he was awarded the literary creation scholarship “Geuretik sortuak” as a result of which he published the short narrative “Ostantza” (sunset) published in the collective book “Hamazpigarrenean aidanez”-2022.
He has been jury of numerous scholarships and literary competition: Scholarship of literary competition of the Diputación de Gipuzkoa, scholarship “Gerriko”, contest of aphorisms “Ohienart” of the University of the Basque Country etc.
His blogs: and
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